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NHS staff to be asked about sexual harassment for the first time

NHS staff will be asked if they have experienced sexual harassment or inappropriate behaviour in the workplace for the first time.

In a letter, NHS England chief delivery officer Steve Russell said the upcoming annual staff survey would include the following question: “In the last 12 months, how many times have you been the target of unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature in the workplace? This may include offensive or inappropriate sexualised conversation (including jokes), touching or assault.”

Mr Russell said the anonymous answers to the new question would “help us understand the potential prevalence of sexual misconduct in your organisation and inform further action to protect and support staff across the NHS”. 

It comes as NHSE launches the health service’s first sexual safety charter to help protect staff from harassment and inappropriate behaviour.

The charter is an agreement comprising 10 pledges, including commitments to provide staff with clear reporting mechanisms, training, and support from managers.

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Source: HSJ, 6 September 2023

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