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Watchdog forced to hand over NHS staff names in safety failure cases

A national safety watchdog has been forced to release almost 100 pieces of evidence, including names of NHS staff, after being ordered to by courts.

A freedom of information request, submitted by HSJ, has revealed the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) has been required to release 93 interviews with staff, family members and external experts, along with their identities, over the last two years. 

The interviews, which relate to HSIB investigations involving hospital trusts across England, were released to coroner’s courts through eight separate orders dating from February 2019.

A further four court orders compelled HSIB to release other information to coroners, including reports into trusts, findings of internal panel reviews, and evidence from external experts. The orders were made under the Coroners and Justice Act 2009.

When HSJ asked whether any NHS staff or family members were named in open court, HSIB said it was “not able to comment on specific instances”, but added that all those whose evidence was shared with the coroners were notified in advance.

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Source: HSJ, 23 February 2021

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