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Scotland's NHS cannot meet growing demand, warns watchdog

Scotland's NHS is unable to meet the growing demand for health services, a spending watchdog has warned.

A review by Audit Scotland said the increased pressure on the NHS was now having a direct impact on patient safety and experience.

The watchdog also claimed there was no "overall vision" for the future of the health service.

The annual report on the state of Scotland's health service highlighted that the NHS was facing soaring costs, patients were waiting longer to be seen and there were not enough staff.

Stephen Boyle, Auditor General for Scotland, said this had "added to the financial pressures on the NHS and, without reform, its longer-term affordability".

He added: "Without change, there is a risk Scotland's NHS will take up an ever-growing chunk of the Scottish budget. And that means less money for other vital public services.

"To deliver effective reform the Scottish government needs to lead on the development of a clear national strategy for health and social care.

"It should include investment in measures that address the causes of ill-health, reducing long-term demand on the NHS."

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Source: BBC News, 22 February 2024

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