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Major trust forced to restrict chemotherapy amid staff shortages

A major acute trust in the East Midlands has been forced to restrict how much chemotherapy it is able to offer due to staff shortages.

Nottingham University Hospitals Trust confirmed in a statement its chemotherapy service has been affected by long-term staff sickness and staff vacancies. 

A trust spokeswoman said: “We continue to provide chemotherapy to patients who benefit most from the treatment and the small number of patients affected have been contacted directly by their specialist cancer team and offered support.”

She added: “We are recruiting to posts as well as working with neighbouring NHS and private providers to ensure that any delays are minimal.”

The trust added all its patient care decisions adhered to national guidance aimed at helping chemotherapy centres categorise and prioritise treatments when these situations arise.

The Nottingham Post first reported the difficulties facing the trust, suggesting the restrictions would specifically affect palliative care patients who receive chemotherapy at NUH’s City Hospital site.

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Source: HSJ, 23 September 2021

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