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Best NHS leaders should take on ‘biggest challenges’, says chief inspector

The NHS needs its best leaders to be prepared to take on “the biggest challenges” despite the risk of criticism, the Care Quality Commission’s chief inspector has said.

At its monthly meeting, the CQC board was discussing how three previously ‘inadequate’-rated trusts – United Hospitals Lincolnshire Trust, Isle of Wight Trust and The Queen Elizabeth’s Hospital Kings Lynn FT – have all recently moved out of ‘special measures’, following improved reports from inspectors.

In response, Professor Ted Baker said that at each of the trusts a “new approach to leadership had changed the culture”, and despite still being under “particular pressure” they were able to drive forward “major improvements”.

He was “grateful” for the three leaders at the trusts for taking on the leadership challenge. 

Professor Baker said: “One of my concerns is leaders are not attracted to these posts, as they feel they are posts where they can be easily criticised. The best NHS leaders need to take on the biggest challenges.”

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Source: HSJ, 23 February 2022

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