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NHS England maternity services may need overhauling to ensure safety, say experts

At a virtual event held by The Independent last night, experts agreed maternity services needed to be overhauled. The panel discussion, NHS maternity scandal: Inside a crisis, laid out the facts surrounding the problems around maternity care and concerns around safety amid repeated examples of poor care in multiple cases. 

Donna Ockenden, a senior midwife who has been leading the inquiry into maternity services at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals explained "I think one of the major issues around maternity services is that we’re not treated in the same way as A&E. I think that people fail to see that actually, maternity is a woman’s A&E department, you can start a shift in any maternity unit, you can plan what you think you’re going to do. But actually you don’t know what is going to come in the front door.”

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Source: The Independent, 12 August 2021

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