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Three NHS patients ‘mutilated’ by surgeon in a single week prompts shake-up at NHS trust

An RAF veteran has been left with life-changing injuries after being “mutilated” by an NHS surgeon during what should have been a routine procedure.

Paul Tooth, 64, has been permanently left with tubes going in and out of his body which he needs to continually recycle bile produced by his liver.

The previously fit and active father-of-two has lost five stone in weight and can barely leave his house after the surgery last year.

It was supposed to be a routine gall bladder removal, but the surgeon inexplicably took out Paul’s bile duct and hepatic duct, which link the liver to the intestines, as well as damaging the liver itself, making a repair impossible.

Although he has won his legal battle against the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital Foundation Trust, Paul believes what happened to him raises bigger safety questions for the trust after he learned he was one of three patients harmed by the same surgeon just days apart.

The alarm was first raised by Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge where the three patients were transferred for specialist care after their initial operations.

The Norfolk and Norwich trust has now admitted liability for the errors and standard of care Paul received.

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Source: The Independent, 25 April 2021

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