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Paramedics abused and assaulted while on duty, survey reveals

New data has revealed hundreds of paramedics experience physical assault and verbal abuse whilst serving the public. 

According to NHS, there has been a 32 per cent rise in assault against paramedics over the past 5 years, with more than 1,600 saying they had been threatened while on duty or feared for their own lives. Now, ambulance trusts are aiming to fit paramedics with body cameras while the West Midlands have CCTV inside their ambulances.

"After years of lobbying, the legislation is now in place to ensure that the worst offenders are severely and appropriately dealt with. The problem is that the law is not being used to full effect and sentences are still far too lenient. We are calling today on the courts to step up and impose the harshest penalties available to them." Said Tracy Nicholls, chief executive of the College of Paramedics.  

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Source: The Independent, 28 July 2021

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