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  • Current Networks

    the hub at Patient Safety Learning hosts and supports a growing number of informal peer support networks for people involved in patient safety, providing a forum for meeting up, discussing and sharing ideas and initiatives, and learning from others. The aim is to have private safe community spaces on the hub for patient safety managers and everyone working in patient safety to facilitate and nurture conversations between like-minded individuals.

    Currently the hub supports five informal voluntary networks:

    1. Patient Safety Management Network – this is an innovative network for patient safety managers and everyone working in patient safety. In just over two years this has grown to now over 1300 members from more than 650 different organisations. Read more.
    2. National NatSSIPs Network – a group of healthcare professionals aiming to reduce the number of patient safety incidents related to invasive procedures. In just over a year this has grown to now have over 750 members.
    3. Patient Safety Education Network – a peer network for those in patient safety education and training roles now over 170 members. Read more.
    4. Patient Safety Partners Network – a group for Patient Safety Partners, paid and voluntary roles within NHS organisations aimed at improving patient safety, over 70 members. Read more
    5. Patient Safety Paediatric Leaders Network – an invited network for anyone who is a strategic-level decision maker in a specialist children’s hospital or unit with a leadership responsibility for patient safety and/or quality in the UK.

    Aims of the Networks

    1. To facilitate and nurture private conversations between a community of like-minded individuals.
    2. To share insights and lessons learned so that everyone benefits from the collective wisdom.
    3. To provide peer support when others in the community need help.
    4. To collaborate on new ideas, solutions and research that might lead to improved patient safety.
    5. To introduce new thinking from both within and outside health and care that could accelerate patient safety improvements within our own organisations.
    6. To gain a better, shared understanding of new policies, guidance, directives and regulations that impact our work.
    7. To share knowledge resources that others might use in striving to improve patient safety within their own organisations.
    8. To enable members to influence relevant regional and national policies and add their voices to campaigns that seek to improve patient safety for all (either directly or indirectly).

    What does it cost to join?

    Nothing! The networks are supported by Patient Safety Learning, a charity and independent voice for patient safety. Patient Safety Learning helps organise the meetings, takes notes of the meetings for the benefit of network members that aren’t able to attend the drop-in sessions, and maintain a private community for members on the hub (with copies of presentations, meeting notes, etc). Patient Safety Learning is hugely grateful to BD for their ongoing financial sponsorship (helping us resource the hub as we receive no funds from the NHS for this) and AQUA for their support in helping write up the notes of the drop-in sessions.

    How do I join?

    You can join by signing up to the hub today. When putting in your details, please tick the relevant Network in the ‘Join a private group’ section. If you are already a member of the hub, please email support@PSLhub.org

    The founders of each group have set the following criteria for who can join:

    • Patient Safety Management Network – UK hub members in a health or care service provider organisation who have an active patient safety role.
    • National NatSSIP Network – UK hub members involved in or leading NatSSIP/LocSSIP work in their organisation.
    • Patient Safety Partner Network – UK hub members in a health or care service provider organisation who volunteer officially as a Patient Safety Partner. 
    • Patient Safety Education Network UK hub members involved in patient safety education/ training in their organisations. The community excludes commercial training providers.
    • Patient Safety Paediatric Leaders Network  UK hub members who are strategic-level decision makers in a specialist children’s hospital or unit with a leadership responsibility for patient safety and/or quality. You should have a role that reports to a member of the Executive and have been nominated by your CMO or CNO, and are committed to reducing avoidable harm and improving the quality and safety of paediatric care.

    I've joined, where do I find my Network?

    To be able to see and use the Network you have joined, you will need to be signed into the hub. The links below will take you to the private communities once signed in:

    As a member you can view the notes and presentations from meetings, ask a question, upload resources to share with other members and join in the conversations. If you have any difficulties, please email support@PSLhub.org.

    I'd like to set up a new Network

    If you or your organisation would like to use the hub to set up your own Network, please email info@pslhub.org and we'd be happy to discuss further. We’re already having conversations about setting up networks for Patient Safety Leads in Integrated Care Boards and for Human Factors leads in healthcare organisations (with the CIEHF).

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