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'Urgent action' over children's mental health care

A child was twice given double the "safe" dose of a rapid tranquilizer at a hospital run by a troubled NHS trust.

The child was put at "significant risk of harm" at Telford's Princess Royal Hospital, said inspectors.

Rating children's services inadequate, they said Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) must halt seeing under 18s for acute mental health needs. The trust, in special measures, was working to "urgently address concerns".

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) carried out a targeted inspection on 24 February prompted by "concerning information" about treatment at the service run by SaTH.

The trust is currently at the centre of the largest ever inquiry into NHS maternity care.

Staff told inspectors they had seen an increase in the number of young people with "significant mental health issues" and learning disabilities over the past year.

But the services, which were rated as "requiring improvement" in November 2019, were deemed "inadequate" in four of five areas tested - for being safe, effective, responsive and well-led.

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Source: BBC News. 19 April 2021

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