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NHS in London asked to plan for ‘possible covid surge later in 2021’

The NHS’s London regional team has told its integrated care systems (ICS) to draw up plans for ‘another possible [covid-19] surge later in 2021’, HSJ has learned.

The guidance, dated February 2021 says: “Later in March/early April we will ask for systems to begin to plan for a possible wave 3 covid surge.”

The NHS England and Improvement London presentation adds: “[The] purpose of the critical care de-surge plan [is to] ensure that the… bed base can expand safely in the event of a 3rd covid surge and/or other major incident/event.”

Any surge in covid cases is likely to be caused by new variants of the virus, such as those originating in Brazil and South Africa, which are more resistant to vaccines, becoming dominant in the UK. At present government advisers think this is unlikely and that even if this scenario did arise, it will be possible to modify vaccines to combat the new strain.

The guidance sets out three other “strategic goals” the ICSs should address. But it has “surprised” senior figures from outside London who were waiting for the national framework for tackling the NHS’ growing elective waiting list expected later this month.

The presentation said the other key goals were to: ensure “staff get… immediate rest and respite”; set out plans to “desurge critical care”; and plan for elective recovery.

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Source: HSJ, 3 March 2021

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