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Infected Blood Inquiry: Man 'not told of Aids diagnosis for 18 months'

A man who was treated with imported blood products in the 1980s became the first haemophiliac in the UK to test HIV positive and die of Aids, an inquiry has heard.

Kevin Slater, from Cwmbran, was 20 when he developed Aids in 1983 the Infected Blood Inquiry has been told. He was not informed that he had been diagnosed with the condition for at least 18 months and died in 1985. Records show it was recommended that the diagnosis be kept from him.

The UK-wide inquiry is looking into what has been described as the worst treatment disaster in the history of the NHS.

Haemophilia is a blood condition which affects the clotting of blood in those affected. In the 1980s some of the blood products used to treat the condition were infected with HIV.

The inquiry heard there were about 100 haemophiliac patients in Wales at the time.

Mr Slater's sister-in-law Lynda Maule said she does not believe he was ever told he had Aids.

"He was treated disgustingly," she told the inquiry. "There was no care, nothing.

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Source: BBC News, 2 February 2021

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