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Nurses strikes to end but now senior doctors vote to walk out

Nurses strikes are set to end but the disruption for NHS patients will continue as senior doctors are the latest to vote to walk out.

The Royal College of Nursing failed to reach the threshold needed to hold further action, with just 43% of the required 50% of members returning a ballot to hold fresh walkouts.

But more than 24,000 members of the British Medical Association (BMA) backed industrial action by 86% on a turnout of 71%, well above the legal threshold of 50%, with senior doctors set to strike on 20 and 21 July. It comes after the union last week announced a five-day strike by junior doctors will be held from 13 July.

NHS leaders have said consecutive walkouts from junior doctors and now consultants presents a “huge risk” for the health service.

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Source: The Independent, 27 June 2023

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