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Suicide inquest sparks warning on 'nine month wait' for treatment

The government has been called on to take action over the national “backlog” for a specialist mental health service after a woman died after a substantial wait to access treatment. 

Carole Mitchell, who died by suicide on 22 November 2019, waited almost seven months for a first appointment after being referred to Greater Manchester Mental Health Foundation Trust for psychology services.

In a prevention of future deaths report, published earlier this month, coroner Alison Mutch said the inquest was told waits had since increased and “someone in Mrs Mitchell’s position today would be more likely to wait nine months”. 

The coroner added evidence heard suggested the delay experienced was “reflective of both the regional and national backlog for appointments”. The report has been sent to both the Department of Health and Social Care and Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership.

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Source: HSJ, 1 March 2021

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