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Patient group set up over allegations of 'poor care' at Royal London

Relatives of elderly patients have set up a families action group to investigate allegations of “poor level of care” at the Royal London Hospital.  

The Royal London Hospital Patients and Families Group says it is in talks with lawyers this week after setting up a Facebook page to share their experiences of the east London hospital. 

Anger erupted after relatives were refused visits to wards during strict lockdown periods and there were claims elderly family members were not receiving attentive care on the wards.

Barts Health NHS Trust, which runs the hospital, said the pandemic has been an "extremely busy" time but insisted patient safety is its top priority, while promising to listen to any feedback and concerns.

The families' group is calling for changes and suggesting how standards "should be improved" by involving families with patient care. 

“Many don’t speak English,” the group’s chair Abdul Doyas explained. “They are unable to communicate with medical staff. Allowing a family member to be present during agreed hours will improve care."

"Vulnerable people are admitted to hospital in an unfamiliar environment, which is a frightening experience that causes anxiety. But having a family member by their side can improve chances of recovering.” 

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Source: East London Advertiser, 13 April 2021

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