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New director ‘competency’ requirements unveiled by NHSE

NHS board members must speak up against discrimination, challenge others constructively and help foster a safe culture, under a new NHS England assessment framework.

The new leadership competency framework, published today, sets out six domains which board members are required to assess themselves against as part of an annual “fitness” appraisal.

Each domain (see below) contains competencies directors must exhibit, such as:

  • Speak up against any form of racism, discrimination, bullying, aggression, sexual misconduct or violence, even when [they] might be the only voice;
  • Challenge constructively, speaking up when [they] see actions and behaviours which are inappropriate and lead to staff or people using services feeling unsafe, or staff or people being excluded in any way or treated unfairly; and
  • Ensure there is a safe culture of speaking up for [their] workforce.

Each competency statement gives board members a multiple choice to assess themselves against, ranging from “almost always” to “no chance to demonstrate”. Organisations have been told to incorporate the six competency domains into role descriptions from 1 April, and use them as part of board member appraisals.

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Source: HSJ, 28 February 2024

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