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Update on LFPSE implementation deadline

In an email to staff today (9 May 2023) NHS England (NHSE) have confirmed that to meet the deadline for implementing the new Learn From Patient Safety Events (LFPSE) service, Trusts will only need to ensure this is underway by the 30 September 2023, rather than fully implemented.

LFPSE is a new central national service for recording and analysing patient safety events that occur in healthcare. Some NHS organisations are now using this system, instead of the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS), and all organisations will be expected to transition to this.

The original date for Trusts to implement LFPSE was the 31 March 2023. However, in response to concerns about the achievability of this deadline, on the 18 October NHSE announced an optional six-month extension, meaning that Trusts needed to deploy the new system by the 30 September 2023.

Today’s email to NHS staff noted that some Trusts “are still anticipating challenges with the time scales”. Responding to this, NHSE clarified that provided the LFPSE transition within organisations Local Risk Management Systems was underway by the end of September, and that application of the guidance to configure formals and fields was being actively worked on, this milestone should be considered as having been met.

Commenting on this Helen Hughes, Chief Executive of charity Patient Safety Learning, said:

“This is a welcome announcement by NHS England, reducing the immediate pressure on staff who had raised serious concerns on the ability to have LFPSE configured and ready to submit events by the 30 September deadline. This flexibility will ensure that the new LFPSE service has a stronger chance of successful transition and to enable patient safety improvement”.

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