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Mental Health Matters: What the staff survey said about quality and safety

With the annual NHS Staff Survey recently published, expectation was that this year might look a little different, all things considered.

For the mental health sector, the dial didn’t move massively on key questions. The sector still came out bottom for staff who agreed they’d be happy with the standard of care if a friend or family member needed it - otherwise called the “family and friends test”.

Although the survey was not that revelatory this year, it is still a helpful barometer for trusts’ safety and quality culture.

Sheffield Health and Social Care Foundation Trust comes out lowest on all of the main quality and safety-related questions. 

On the crucial family and friends question, just 47% of the trust’s staff agreed that would be happy with the standard of care. The trust has been one of the worst performers on the survey for a number of years but appears to have deteriorated further.

Sheffield Health and Social Care FT also came out worst on the following key safety culture related questions:

  • When errors, near misses or incidents are reported, my organisation takes action to ensure that they do not happen again
  • I would feel secure raising concerns about unsafe clinical practice
  • My organisation acts on concerns raised by patients/service users.

The last two questions are a vital indicator of a trust’s approach to safety and quality. If staff do not feel secure to raise concerns, or if a trust does not act on patient concerns can it really address problems before they escalate?

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Source: HSJ, 12 March 2021

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