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Doctors have faced “worrying levels of abuse” in past month, BMA reports

New data has revealed doctors are experiencing “worrying levels of abuse” during the Codi-19 crisis. 

In a survey, doctors (51% of respondents) have reported that they have witnessed violence and abuse against other staff, with 67% showing this was particularly high for those working in general practice. 

We cannot let people take out their frustration at a system on individual doctors or their colleagues, who truly are doing their best in the most difficult of situations. Even before the pandemic we were vastly understaffed, and abusive behaviour will drive more and more talented and experienced doctors away from the NHS at a time when we need them most . . . We urge our patients to afford the same compassion to staff that they are shown in hospital, after what has been the most horrific year of our careers.” Said The chair of the BMA’s Consultants Committee, Vishal Sharma. 

Overall results for the abuse questions are here, and broken down by healthcare setting here.

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Source: BMJ, 10 August 2021

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