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At least 20,000 annual UK cancer deaths avoidable, says charity

At least 20,000 cancer deaths a year could be avoided in the UK with a national commitment to invest in research and innovation, and fix the NHS, says Cancer Research UK.

Progress is being made in finding new treatments for the condition that affects 50% of people at some point. But the charity says the UK lags behind comparable countries for survival.

It has launched a manifesto of priorities for this government and the next, ahead of a general election.

The document sets out what the charity says needs to change - and fast.

Whoever is running the country must commit to developing a 10-year cancer plan, spearheaded by a National Cancer Council accountable to the prime minister to bring government, charities, industry and scientific experts together, it says.

Key areas to focus on include:

  • More investment in research to close an estimated £1bn funding gap.
  • Greater disease prevention - banishing smoking to the history books, for example.
  • Earlier diagnosis, through screening.
  • Better tests and treatments, as well as cutting NHS waiting lists and investing in more staff.

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Source: BBC News, 28 November 2023

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