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Ministers reject Hunt’s plans for general practice

The Government has rejected several policy proposals to promote “continuity of care” in general practice which were put forward by Jeremy Hunt. 

The now chancellor championed significant policy changes to strengthen the link between patients and an individual, named GP, when he was Commons health and social care committee chair.

However, the government’s response to the report rejects several of the key proposals.

The committee under Jeremy Hunt said “NHS England should champion the personal list model” – under which each patient is linked to a particular GP – “rather than dismiss it as unachievable”.

The Department of Health and Social Care response said: “The department does not accept this recommendation. We agree that continuity of care is important within general practice but do not agree that requiring a return to the personal list model is the correct approach.

Government also rejected recommendations from Mr Hunt’s committee to introduce a new national measure to track continuity of care by practice; and to fund primary care networks to appoint a GP “continuity lead” for a session a week.

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Source: HSJ, 24 July 2023

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