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Rheumatic patients 'left behind' after lockdown

Patients with rheumatic conditions who shielded during the pandemic feel "left behind", according to new research.

The University of the West of England (UWE) in Bristol conducted a study with patients about their experiences of shielding during the pandemic and how it continued to affect them.

Researchers interviewed 15 rheumatology patients from the Bristol area. Pamela Richards, who suffers with arthritis, said the pandemic has been "a massive blow" to the way she lives.

"I have never experienced anything like shielding, it heightened a sense of anxiety in me," said Ms Richards.

"How do I get food? I cannot leave the house. How can I see friends? I was not allowed to."

Ms Richards, who shielded for nearly two years during the pandemic, said that life has not returned to normal, despite no longer being advised to shield.

"It is a new normal, which is about being on high alert and managing risk every day," she said.

Researcher Christine Silverthorne said: "Many are still dealing with lasting physical and mental effects both from the experience of shielding and as a consequence of delays to their healthcare and treatment".

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Source: BBC News, 6 March 2023

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