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Record number of NHS staff hand in resignation

The latest NHS workforce figures have shown that a record number of staff voluntarily resigned from their jobs during the first quarter of this financial year.

According to the data, almost 35,000 NHS workers resigned voluntarily, which was up from 28,105 during the same period in 2021, and 19,380 in 2020. It is also higher than in any equivalent first quarter over the last 10 years.

The most common reason for leaving during quarter one of 2021-22 was ‘work-life balance’, with almost 7,000 NHS workers citing this as their reason for leaving their jobs.

Close to 2,000 NHS workers also left in the same period in search of a ‘better reward package’, with almost 1,000 reporting ‘incompatible working relationships’. In it unclear from the NHS digital data whether they left the NHS altogether.

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Source: HSJ, 3 October 2022

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