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Record numbers of children with eating disorders left waiting for NHS help

According to reports, the number of children being treated by the NHS has soared, with waiting times tripling in a year, and experts warning the pandemic may have set back treatment for young people "by years".

The Royal College of Psychiatrists have also said services are struggling to provide timely treatment due to an "overwhelming" demand. 

Dr Agnes Ayton, the chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists Faculty of Eating Disorders Psychiatry, said: “The pandemic has had a huge impact on children and young people with disruption to their schooling, social lives and home lives. Many young people have not received support early enough, causing their eating disorders to become much worse and harder to treat. Delays to treatment can put lives at risk. Services are struggling with soaring demand, fewer beds because of social distancing and an ongoing shortage of specialist doctors.”

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Source: The Independent, 19 August 2021

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