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Woman's 'complete shock' at skin cancer misdiagnosis

A woman has spoken of her "complete shock" at being misdiagnosed with cancer and undergoing surgery when she never had the condition at all.

Megan Royle, 33, from East Yorkshire, was diagnosed with skin cancer in 2019.

As part of her treatment, she underwent immunotherapy and her eggs were frozen due to the risk to her fertility.

But after she was given the all-clear in 2021, a review showed she never had cancer and she has now won compensation from the two NHS trusts involved.

Ms Royle, from Beverley, said: "You just can't really believe something like this can happen, and still to this day I've not had an explanation as to how and why it happened.

"I spent two years believing I had cancer, went through all the treatment, and then was told there had been no cancer at all."

"You'd think the immediate emotion would be relief and, in some sense, it was - but I'd say the greater emotions were frustration and anger."

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Source: BBC News, 18 October 2023

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