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Trust boss accuses private provider of ‘overpromising and underdelivering’

The boss of a large acute trust has accused a private provider of ‘overpromising and underdelivering’ after significant problems emerged with a local arrangement which have piled further pressure on its waiting list.

Mid and South Essex Foundation Trust recently discovered at least 1,000 cases were being returned to the trust from independent provider Omnes Healthcare following “complications” with a pathway for ear, nose and throat patients.

CEO Matthew Hopkins told a board meeting last Thursday: “I think other parts of the country, like us, are seeing independent sector providers in some cases overpromising and underdelivering. The consequence of that is what we’ve seen in the ENT example.”

The contract is managed by Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board, which told HSJ it was “very sorry that some patients may have been waiting longer than they should have been” because of the problems.

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Source: HSJ, 6 October 2023

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