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Everything posted by Sannah

  1. Community Post
    Endometrial/uterine Biopsy October 2019 Following the discovery of a cyst on my ovary and raised Ca 125 blood levels…I was put on the ‘2 week urgent referral pathway’ to my local hospital. I have to give credit for the speed from my doctor’s referral on the Thursday, the hospital rang on the Friday appointment letter received on the Saturday and I was seen on the Monday. Attending with a full bladder (as that’s what my letter instructed – it had even been underlined in pen) I spoke with the Dr, thankfully she assured me from the scan taken previously she wasn’t overly concerned anything sinister was going on, and wasn’t too concerned regarding my raised Ca 125 levels, so there was no need for another scan however she would like to do a pelvic exam so I could go and empty my bladder. Having had a few pelvic exams in the past I wasn’t concerned at the thought. I lay on the table, nurse to my right – doctor to the foot of the bed, In went the first tool, I wasn’t quite expecting that for a pelvic exam – knowing I had to go through some tests because of suspected cancer I let her continue…another ‘tool’ came out which looked like a long plastic tube – she poked and poked and poked some more, until painfully she made her way through my cervix…at this point I was emotionally and painfully numb and confused, however in the confusion I knew in my mind a biopsy had to be done (and assumed that this was happening, right here right now without prior warning) she somehow twisted this long plastic thing she had forced through and up my cervix. I was actually still unsure if this was part and parcel of some ‘different type’ of pelvic exam! gripping the sides of the table hard and hardly able to speak she twisted and poked again and again…. The nurse asked if I was OK, I faintly nodded and said through gritted teeth ‘It’s got to be done’ the nurse looked at me and faintly nodded …. more seconds passed, nurse gently placed her hand on my arm and gave me some breathing directions – Doctor said nearly done but I can stop anytime you want! and then procedure complete. The doctor was kind – the nurse was lovely… however... Still traumatised by the experience but trying to put on a brave front – the doctor looked at the nurse as she was putting the collected sample in some type of fluid container and said ‘it was because it’s been 15 years’ I can only assume she meant since I gave birth therefore my cervix was tight/closed. Nurse left to go and get something that looked like a giant cotton ear-bud the doctor had asked for to help soak up some blood, while she was gone I looked at the doctor and said OK I couldn’t ask before as during the procedure as I simply wanted to 'get it done' (in other words I didn't want to have gone so far.. stopped the procedure...and have to have it done again or restarted) but exactly what have you just done….and it was only then I had confirmation I had had a biopsy done….I have no recollection what-so-ever of having this discussed with me prior to the procedure – I was asked about past history, vaginal births, symptoms and if my smears are up-to date – I was asked if I suffered with water infections, allergies, any bowel issues and contraception. I can recollect pelvic exam being mentioned and it was at that point I went to the toilet – on arrival back it was right in the room for exam. I was offered no pain relief; I didn't even get chance to have pain-killers before leaving home as I didn't know this was on the cards....in all honesty, I didn't even realise this procedure was done in the consulting room/doctors’ office! I had no information on the process or what could go wrong during or after. The nurse left me a packet of menstrual pads on the side and some tissue to sort myself out. Once back in the office the nurse stayed with me while the doctor went away to speak with someone else the nurse chatted and asked if I was OK now, said I could have some pain-killers when I got home and if I was OK - I said yes as at that point I was - relieved it was over. The Dr came back – said the person she spoke to wanted to repeat my CA 125 bloods in 4 weeks time – she mentioned coming back for a hysteroscopy (nurse passed me a leaflet) and possibly look at Nova Sure for my heavy bleeding (nurse passed me another leaflet) she booked me in for the bloods and appointment for hysteroscopy would follow…as I was leaving I said how long will the Biopsy results take, I was informed 2 weeks. I went home.... I bled heavily and cramped for 6 days – the week following I had excessive watery discharge - had sleepless nights and still do...it still plays on my mind... This is an awful procedure to endure and shouldn’t be sprung on women without their full undivided attention and consent, I have given birth vaginally on just gas and air and by no means an emotional wreck when it comes to pain and discomfort I have endured more than my fair share of intimate examinations – I can however say this was one of the most traumatic, painful moments of my life. While I repeat – the Dr and Nurse were lovely and I’m sure ‘just doing their job’ but I do not have any recollection of this procedure being discussed with me beforehand, I was given no leaflet prior, no option of pain-relief and no information on any possible risks during or after procedure. Once home I started to re-search for myself and found many other women who had suffered similar experiences during biopsies and hysteroscopies :( You are at the time made to feel there is no other option and it has to be done this way, I've since found out this just isnt true.
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