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Events happening today

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    17 March 2022 14:00      16:30

    East Midlands and West Midlands Patient Safety Collaboratives will be hosting a webinar on appreciative inquiry (AI). Hosted by Appreciating People, it will focus on ‘what works’ and the existing strengths and assets of people, team and organisations.
    The pandemic and current working challenges has shown how resilient and creative the maternity and neonatal workforce has been, so this workshop aims to support you to build upon your current knowledge and experiences. The webinar will share tools to focus on levering and amplifying strengths, and there will be time for reflective conversation with colleagues. AI helps build psychological safety and is extensively used by many NHS trusts who are part of Learning From Excellence.
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    17 March 2022 14:00      15:00

    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the UK, yet is largely preventable. It is the single biggest area where the NHS can save lives over the next decade, and as such, is a core priority in the NHS Long Term Plan.

    With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, came an acceleration in adoption of technology as a tool within the NHS - both in clinic and in community - to enhance patient outcomes and professional pathways.

    These available technologies have a significant role to play, both broadly in alignment with the NHS LTP and also more specifically in the quest to close the atrial fibrillation detection gap.

    This webinar will highlight the technologies available to the NHS for ambulatory monitoring of CVD and also showcase recent NICE recommendation of the first and only personal ECG to achieve such status. Speaking on this topic will be Trudie Lobban, CEO and Founder of the Arrhythmia Alliance, and Dr Matt Reed, Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Edinburgh.

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