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    25 November 2020

    At THIS Space, we welcome researchers, patients, carers, NHS staff and anyone with an interest in the evidence base for improving the quality and safety of healthcare.
    THIS Space 2020 event will take place entirely online and create an opportunity for people interested in the study of healthcare improvement to gather, connect, and share ideas remotely.
    THIS Space aims to:
    provide a focus for knowledge sharing in healthcare improvement stimulate innovation and fresh thinking help researchers to develop the habits, knowledge, skills, and experiences to support their professional growth connect colleagues from across different disciplines who share a common goal be a means of accelerating the development of the field of the study of healthcare. Plenary sessions:
    Professor Bob Wachter will explore an international perspective on the legacy of COVID-19 in healthcare improvement and research. Professor Ramani Moonesinghe will discuss the impacts of rapid innovations in healthcare. Dr Victoria Brazil will examine the role of simulation in healthcare improvement studies. Registration

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