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    28 March 2022      31 March 2022

    How can meaningful patient engagement result in better-quality care?
    We will all need to use health and social care services at some point in our lives. Many complex factors can influence the quality of care we receive. Policy-makers and researchers are increasingly highlighting the importance of putting people's voices at the centre of organising and planning health care services.
    Join the King's Fund to learn about proven methods for gathering people's views and experiences. Hear from national experts about what quality engagement looks like and why meaningful engagement with people and communities is key to delivering good care.

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    31 March 2022

    This conference will focus on measuring, understanding and acting on patient experience insight, and demonstrating responsiveness to that insight to ensure Patient Feedback is translated into quality improvement and assurance. This is particularly important during COVID-19 where feedback and engagement is key in identifying opportunities to create the best possible experiences for patients and carers, who are often accessing services during difficult times for themselves and their families.
    Through national updates and case study presentations the conference will support you to measure, monitor and improve patient experience in your service, and ensure that insight leads to quality improvement. Sessions will include learning from patients, improving patient experience during and beyond COVIDd-19, a national update, practical sessions focusing on delivering a patient experience based culture, measuring patient experience, using the NHS Improvement National Patient Experience Improvement Framework, demonstrating insight and responsiveness in real time, monitoring and improving staff experience, the role of human factors in improving quality, using patient experience to drive improvement, changing the way we think about patient experience, and learning from excellence in patient experience practice.
    This conference will enable you to:
    Network with colleagues who are working to monitor and improve patient experience Learn from outstanding practice in developing systems to improve patient experience insight Reflect on a patient perspective Understand how to effectively integrate patient experience insight with complaints – and learn from a new NHS Complaints Framework pilot site Understand how patient experience measurement needs to adapt during and beyond the pandemic Ensuring patient experience feedback leads to changes in practice Learn how to use the National Patient Experience Improvement Framework in practice Understand the national context for patient experience Develop strategies for measuring and improving staff experience Understand how to work with staff to act on patient experience feedback in real time Reflect on how to improve patient experience feedback from diverse communities Use a Human Factors approach to deliver change and improvement based on patient experience insight Identify key strategies for developing a patient experience cultur Develop your role demonstrating insight and responsiveness Self assess and expand your skills in analysing patients experience data Register

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    31 March 2022

    Day surgery is now provided for an increasing range of procedures, in patients ranging from the very fit to the rather frail. It has become the standard of care for many elective surgery procedures and should be the default option for all 200 procedures within the BADS Directory of Procedures.
    As the healthcare industry faces a cost predicament, it is incumbent upon healthcare professionals to identify and reduce unnecessary practices without worsening patient outcomes. The majority patients would prefer to recover from their surgery in their home environment. This not only provides improved, comfort, sleep and catering but also reduces the risk of hospital acquired infections and VTE.
    Gynaecology as a specialty has long been a front runner in reducing length of stay. However, there are only a few trusts nationally who routinely undertake laparoscopic hysterectomies and vaginal repairs on a day case basis. Chaired by Mary Stocker, Consultant Anaesthetist, Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust & Past President, The British Association of Day Surgery, this conference will hear from the teams at these trusts and learn how they implemented their day case pathways, the key to their success and how any obstacles were overcome.
    In addition to moving procedures from the inpatient to the day surgery arena, there is also a national drive to undertake appropriate procedures within an outpatient setting and as such completely avoid the requirements for an operating theatre episode. Once again gynaecology teams have driven this change and we will hear how embracing outpatient surgery can transform your gynaecology service and the patient’s experience. There will be an opportunity to hear from experts from BADS and participants from across the UK which will be of interest to those with medical and nursing backgrounds.
    Key learning objectives:
    Key components of a Day Surgery Pathway. Patient selection for Day Surgery. How to develop a Day Surgical Gynaecological Service. Managing complex patients on a day case basis. How to move aspects of your service into an outpatient setting. Managing emergency patients through an ambulatory pathway. Register

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