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Events happening today

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    27 March 2022 23:00      30 March 2022 23:00

    The King's Fund and Healthwatch England join forces on 28–31 March 2022 to explore how meaningful engagement and listening to people’s experiences can result in better-quality care.
    We will all need to use health and social care services at some point in our lives. Many complex factors can influence the quality of care we receive. However, policy-makers and researchers are increasingly highlighting the importance of putting people's voices at the centre of organising and planning health care services.
    Although seen as important, listening to people properly, harnessing the lessons from feedback and implementing them to make changes is not always straightforward. How can the NHS and social care services ensure that they really listen to and learn from people and communities?
    Event topics
    How to listen well – we'll show you examples of good-quality  engagement and the methods you can use to implement these How you can improve commissioning and service delivery by listening to people How public engagement is a critical asset in the battle against health inequalities How people’s voices are already making a difference to strategy and policy-making The opportunities to ensure people’s voices are used meaningfully within integrated care systems. Buy tickets

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  2. 9

    30 March 2022 09:00      11:00

    The Safety for All campaign has organised this webinar in partnership with NHS Supply Chain and Patient Safety Learning. It will look at the challenges in healthcare supply chain and patient and staff safety. As we emerge from Covid restrictions, it is timely to look back and forward at the challenges facing the supply chain in healthcare, but also to ensure that safety for both patients and staff are prioritised amongst the other challenges facing the NHS and social care in the future.
    The webinar will be chaired by Jonathan Hazan, Chair of Patient Safety Learning, and will feature a keynote speech from the Chair of NHS Supply Chain, Heather Tierney-Moore. Heather will discuss Supply Chain’s role in supporting the NHS to deliver safe and excellent patient care, safety, sustainability, resilience and efficiency.
    This will be followed by a panel discussion with representatives from supply chain, patient safety, industry and the MHRA and a further session on how human factors need to be integrated into the process of delivering safety in healthcare. Finally, there will be a case study on a patient and staff safety issue in perioperative care and how better procurement can help deliver better care and safety in infection prevention.
    The webinar will be hosted on Microsoft Teams, join the webinar using this link.
    Full Webinar Programme

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