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Kathy Nabbie


Content Article Comments posted by Kathy Nabbie

  1. Awesome  poster👌 Looking back to 2012 when  there was  a never  event of a retained swab in a breast wound, I am now seeing  this poster for the first time and realize that I dealt with it using some if not all of the framework as follows-
    - Decided on a           different   way of counting swabs
    - A new system to make the change 
    - Researched my idea on Internet and AFPP journals 
    - Made a plan and     discussed it with  my manager for approval
    -  Brought in company reps to teach staff new system
    - Gained the support and cooperation  of staff to use new system

    - Later, involved staff to do audits on new change

    - Change  benefited both  patients 
     and staff  safety.

    Swab safe management to prevent retained swabs - Improving systems of care - Patient Safety Learning - the hub.PDF

  2. Congratulations to patient safety learning hub. 👏👏I  joined the hub one year ago- With encouragement from Helen, Claire and the patient safety team, I started writing blogs on patient and staff safety  issues.

    If like me, you have a passion for patient and staff  safety, its a great idea to join the hub, as it helps you grow,develop and also gain confidence to write and share your knowledge to benefit your team.xx

  3. I must admit it was truly heartbreaking to see carers donning  a disposable mask, flimsy apron and disposable gloves before going into rooms in care homes with positive Covid 19
    I sincerely hope that they soon get tests,respirators and adequate PPE just like my NHS colleagues.
    Care homes and care staff have always been neglected in the past,
    and this pandemic is certainly opening our eyes to a lot of failings  in this area.
     Let's hope when this is all over, we will see drastic changes and overall improvement  in the care of patients and staff in care homes.

  4. Another blog by Claire where she bares her deepest feelings about life at home and at the frontline of this pandemic.Truly heartbreaking!
    Compared to my last private hospital, where the scrubs were colour coded for intensive care,radiology, endoscopy and theatres- more than enough to go around and a further supply if necessary as well as availability of  disposable scrubs if required for droplet infections.
    In some hospitals, we cannot wear a reusable cap, because we are not allowed to launder it at home!
    Why then, are NHS nurses allowed to risk their family safety and take their uniforms home to launder in a pandemic.
    Just like we have disposable PPE for a pandemic, we can ask the government to provide disposable scrub suits to the hospital staff and tonight I will do a petition to make this a reality.
     We are always fighting and speaking up for patient safety, so too we must fight and speak up  for the health and  safety of all healthcare staff in the NHS.

  5. I agree with all the reporter said in this article.
    It took me a while to make a comment. Why?
    I was too busy crying, because it resonates with  many other  practitioners in  so many hospital departments .
    This is exactly what happens- We are expected to work Harder, work Faster, work Longer and still do it Safely.
    Are we really "making a list and  checking it not just twice but thrice?"
    We are supposed to in theatres- However there are times the patient is sent for too early- the surgeons are on a tight schedule, another surgeon may be following him-
    In most hospitals, sending early removes the anaesthetic practitioner from the theatre to the anaesthetic room- Who then assists the anaesthetist with the patient on the table?-
    Think about it!
    If the practitioner returns to help, who then stays with the patient in the anaesthetic room?
    Think about it!
    Please people- We can only do- ONE PATIENT AT A TIME!
    And to be extra  safe, please can we avoid saying - "Send for the next patient"-
    The Patient has a Name- Use it!




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