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Posts posted by Abi

  1. On 08/02/2020 at 12:58, ShropshireJos said:

    I had an horrendous outpatient hysteroscopy 

    Referred after pm bleeding, having started menopause aged 36. 

    Researched online before and saw some women had experienced pain. I specifically asked the dr on more than one occasion if there was a chance of pain. He said have you given birth vaginally?, I replied yes, to which he said the worst i would feel would be akin to period pain. It was barbaric, i was crying and passing out with pain.  The nurses in the room with me simply tried to chat about inane topics to distract me! Was unable to walk back to my car fir about 2 hours after as each time i stood up and began to faint again. 

    I am appalled that in 21st century Britain,  the NHS is still allowing this

    Here's a link to my full story https://hystericalwomen.co.uk/2019/12/11/the-most-painful-moment-of-my-life-the-national-scandal-of-barbaric-outpatient-hysteroscop

    This sounds horrendous and I'm sorry you had such a terrible time. I have just come back from my own hysteroscopy and it was so painful and traumatic. I feel totally fobbed off with the whole paracetamol and ibuprofen thing. Didn't make a difference. I would say it was worse than labour for me. I was screaming and writhing around in agony and then in tears and shaking in shock. I feel when they say, might feel 'uncomfortable' or 'like mild period cramps', it is very misleading. I was so overwhelmed by the pain. It was to explore a 2 yr post menopausal bleed and looks like I still might need to do it again under a GA as she wasn't able to get all she needed from biopsy. No polyps seen though so that's good. I am Mum to a 16 year old born via emergency c section and the trauma of that experience came flooding back. Barbaric is the right word. Doctor and nurses did their best but I definitely didn't understand how painful it could potentially be. Never ever again without GA. 

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