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Posts posted by Illumi123

  1. I was 14 when I had my IUD put in. I guess I wanted to get it done so that in high school I could have sex without the fear of pregnancy? I went with my mom and before the appointment I had a total of 2 online appointments, where they essentially told me nothing about the procedure. The obgyn said it would be short and “maybe a little uncomfortable”. Prior to this, I had never had a Pap smear or anything of the sort. My mom gave me 1/2 of a dosage of some anxiety relieving (not pain relief) drug she had lying around. It did absolutely nothing. I remember I was nervous, the lady asked if I wanted to play “calming music during it”, I said no, and then I took off my pants. My mom sat beside me, and I don’t remember anything until the point where the doctor said “this part will be a bit crampy”. Instant unbelievable pain consumed my body, my eyes and mouth shot open, I didn’t cry, I didn’t scream. I remember asking over and over, “Is it over? Is it over?” with short shallow breaths. My mom had gotten an IUD fitting before, after she had me, and said it wasn’t very painful for her. She tried to get me through it by talking about dogs or something, but looking back on it I’m still angry about how she handled the situation. When it was over (after like, 15 minutes, because she couldn’t fit it in the first few times) I immediately felt nauseous and threw up over the side of the chair. A nurse came in to give me a throw up bag and an ibuprofen, which I promptly vomited out a second time. I remember I was in so much pain afterwards, I tried desperately to look for the best sitting position on the ground to relieve myself. I think I spent over an hour just sitting on the ground, waiting to be able to walk again. My mom came over to me and said “Oh my god you look like a ghost”; I’m extremely pale already, but she still recounts how scary it was for her to see me like that. I also had to poop pretty bad right after, which I think was just my body trying to get the foreign object out of my body (the vomit, too). My mom helped me limp to the bathroom, with my underwear practically sliding off, past the reception area of the nurses. I remember how they didn’t seem to care. The only thing that brought me relief before I could hobble to the car with my pants half on, gripping them with my hand, was this air conditioner thing on the floor which provided white nose. I just sat pressed against it for what felt like forever until the pain became bearable. At this point in time, that is still the only appointment I’ve had regarding my IUD. I saw another doctor at a Stanford clinic who offered to put me completely under when I get it removed, but she only works with children (I think), and I’m afraid that by the time I will get it removed that I won’t be able to see her anymore. We haven’t gone to any follow up appointments with that terrible woman, but thankfully there aren’t any extreme side effects happening which would result in a check up. I am writing this at 2 am on a school night because I am constantly kept up by thoughts about this event and when I will get the IUD removed. I am utterly terrified and helpless.

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