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Posts posted by Rose-Briar

  1. Hi, I promised to update after my Mirena coil. This experience was so much better because a numbing spray was used prior to insertion. It was uncomfortable and mildly painful for 3  minutes but the staff were amazing and helped me through everything and I left well. I took ibuprofen before going. Maybe ask for the numbing spray because it has made a dfference for me.

  2. Hi. When I was about 23 years old, I asked for a framed copper coil and cried with pain at the insertion and began to sweat profusely and feel faint and sick. I was given a bed to lie down on and the kindly family planning doctor (a nice lady, who was upset by my reaction), dropped me the 15 minute walk home by car as I was unfit to walk. When my next period came, the cramps were so awful and prevented me from working my job so I had it removed. At 25, and desperate for contraception, I had a Gynefix coil fitted which was painful to insert - excruciating for 1-2 minutes, but which caused no cramps and stayed 5 years. After my 2 children (V/B) I got another gynefix, again excruciating to fit for 2 minutes, but with no after shaking or sweating or cramping. I had this removed painlessly and then had another child (C/S).  Now in my 40's with periods so heavy that I am flooding everywhere, I have an appointment soon for a mirena coil. I am already dreading it and fearing I will have shock after because it has a frame like my first one. I wonder if the shape affects the response, if you shock because of the womb cramping on the  coil? The gynefix coil is just tiny beads on a string, no frame. I never went into shock with either of these. I will update here when I've done the mirena coil. If I shock again I feel sorry for them ( doing the procedure ) and me, going through it. The pain being a woman is just unreal in relation to contraception and childbirth. Why this isn't done pain-free, I don't know. 

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