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Karen L


Posts posted by Karen L

  1. Hi, everyone, I am waiting for to have a hysteroscopy, I am going through the menopause and have not had a period since 2014, I did have spotting a couple of yrs ago and mentioned it to my Dr, but wasn't to concerned after I said it was only a little bit and that it was pinky/brown in colour. but a couple of months ago I had some more bleeding but was a bit more than just spotting it was only one day but after trying to get an appointment to see a Dr they said they would send my details to the hospital and I should be sent an appointment within 2 weeks, I then had a CT scan and was told I needed an internal but as it was a man I refused he said the scan showed a slight thickening of my womb, I was then sent to another dept to see  a lady gynecologist but didn't get to see her as she was off that day through her kids having covid! they said they would book me back in and I would have to have a hysteroscopy, I asked what that was the nurse said it was a tube inserted inside of  me with a camera on it and another tube which would take a small biopsy if needed, I asked where that would be done? oh just in this room in that chair! the room was tiny not decorated nice at all didn't look calming or relaxing, the chair was not very dignifying, the nurse said you will feel a little discomfort but if you take paracetamol an hour before the procedure you will be ok! anyway I came home and looked up on google and you tube what a hysteroscopy entailed and found this hub and I am so pleased I did, how barbaric is this treatment! it's disgusting that women are being put through torturous  pain and not being offered substantial pain relief, I have M.E and Fibromyalgia which makes me more sustainable to pain plus I have been fobbed off after having 2 fentons procedures and not being able to enjoy intercourse since I had my daughter 36 yrs ago, ( this is another topic I'd like to discuss!)  anyway i had to have my smear test about 2 months before this bleeding and they struggled getting the speclum in as I am in so much pain, even then the dr still kept pushing the speclum in even though i was asking her to stop! so as you can now get a picture had I not seen your page on you tube and found out it is my choice and should be offered a G.A  I wasn't and I would have gone to this procedure like a lamb to the slaughter, as it is I have told them I want a G.A  so now  I am still waiting for my pre assesment!  my scan was 26th October and I am no father forward and worrying why i was bleeding and what has caused an endometrial thickening 

    yours sincerely K.L.


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