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Posts posted by Dyv

  1. I’ve been reading the stories of other woman here and it leaves me completely in shock. 
    I’ve had 5 hysteroscopy’s myself (and the sixth scheduled for the day after tomorrow). All my experiences were good and nothing barbaric or to painful. 

    The first hysteroscopy was because a polyp was suspected on ultrasound. Entering the womb was a little painful, the gynecologist paused at that point till the pain subsided a little and told me she was nearly there. Two seconds later she was in my womb and the pain completely gone. Taking a sample and removing a polyp I didn’t feel at all. VAS (1-10) was 3 during the procedure. She inserted an IUD afterwards what was way more painful. 

    The second hysteroscopy (different hospital, different gynecologist) was because my IUD was in my cervix, to see if she was able to move it up higher in my uterus. VAS 1, most uneventful thing ever. She wasn’t able to properly locate the IUD because I have a heartshaped uterus. 

    The third hysteroscopy was to determine how big the ‘heartshape’ was due to the fact I wanted to become pregnant and wanted to now how the shape could affect a pregnancy. This was the most uncomfortable hysteroscopy, because she had trouble passing my IUD which was still in place. VAS 5, but only at the moment of passing the IUD - afterwards I was fine during the remain of the hysteroscopy. 

    The fourth hysteroscopy was to remove my IUD, as the strings were no longer visible and they were unable to remove it the normal way. It was actually less painful than the normal IUD removal attempted. VAS 1. 

    The fifth hysteroscopy was to see if there was any evidence for asherman, as IUI procedures were difficult and I remained unpregnant. I was fine again, VAS 3 max, but she wasn’t able to enter my uterus - she couldn’t find the way through the cervix. 

    So now I’m going for a new try this Thursday and I am completely relaxed in the process. Yes, it was painful some times, but only for a short amount of time, nothing I couldn’t handle with just a focus on my breathing and all doctors (had 3 different gynecologists) where wonderful and kind. 

    I was able to drive myself home after every scopy, took only 500mg naproxen beforehand and was given the option to having the hysteroscopy with sedation/GA every time. For me that wasn’t necessary and I was happy to be awake, able to see what was going on at the monitor and feeling completely fine afterwards so I went home myself within 10 minutes after finishing the procedure. 
    The insertion of an IV needed to administer sedation/GA is more terrifying and more painful for me.

    I wasn’t the ideal candidate for a hysteroscopy, never had children, history of sexual abuse (so every gyn exam is difficult), scared what to expect the first few times, but I chose myself to try it without sedation/GA, and everything went well. Prefere a hysteroscopy above a PAP. 

    I just want to tell my story because it can be alright, I would do it again with no doubt tomorrow (o wait, I am), found it way easier than an IUD insertion.
    The most important is that you’re able to give informed consent. But if they say it isn’t that painful, for a lot of woman that is the truth, but those woman are less likely to share their story because it wasn’t that eventful. 
    I hear your stories and my heart is filled with pain, because the way you have felt and been treated is not okay, nor is the amount of pain you are describing. I feel sorry for you all. 

    ~ Sorry for my non native English

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