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1 Novice

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    United Kingdom
  1. Community Post
    I’ve just had a hysteroscopy today. Well- it failed. I have long term heavy bleeding which has increased in frequency and also an ovarian cyst/endometriosis. I was referred for this procedure to check fro any abnormalities in the womb. Ive already had one attempt that was very painful right from when the speculum went in but the sample taken was insufficient. The pain was bad but not unbearable. I felt very emotional afterwards but I’m unsure why. Today was a reattempt with local anaesthetic gel and injection. Again it was painful right from the speculum, the injection and I could feel intense tugging pain inside my tummy abs she hadn’t even managed to get into the womb. The procedure was stopped- luckily by the doctor as I felt I should tolerate it and continue. I dread to think what the pain would have been like if I had. The doctor said she was unable to get into my womb as the neck of it was scarred badly from my 2 precious c sections. By this point I was sobbing- for some reason this procedure is very traumatic for me. Connnected to my trauma during birth maybe? I’ve been added to the waiting list to have the procedure done under a general but I am lucky enough to have private healthcare under my husbands work so am taking that route instead. I found this procedure more traumatic than both my emergency c sections and I don’t think I could ever do it again. I now worry about how a simple smear will affect me which I’ve been able to manage in the past. I don’t feel I was well enough informed. I expected the procedure with local to be ok- it was actually much worse for some reason. My private consultant is doing this procedure under a general. Enough said.
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