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Posts posted by Erinjohnson

  1. Since April 2021 I’ve been seeing my doctor regarding heavy periods, uncontrollable pain, bloating and skin issues. I’m 26 and trying to have a child for the last year. Nothing was working.

    upon seeing my doctor she could tell straight away by my face how much pain I was in and gave me anti-inflammatorys and Co-Codamol. I was then red flag to the gynaecologist.


    I was seen 6 weeks later for an internal ultrasound. I found this painful but bearable, when looking at the scan she told me I had fibroids or polyps lining my uterus and would be refer for a hysteroscopy. I received a leaflet that day telling me what to expect.


    4 weeks later I got my appointment, was dreading it and due to covid rules I wasn’t allowed anyone with me. I was told that it could be uncomfortable and that woman who hadn’t had chiller usually find it harder and it doesn’t always work, so don’t be disappointed. My consulted was lovely and the nurses were great. Sat in the chair raised up in the air with a Bucket placed underneath me. She entered my cervix and all was good, but the neck of my uterus was unusually small. I screamed in pain, felt faint, sick and thought I was going to pass out. She stopped and got me gas and air. It done nothing for me as she attempted again. Nothing didn’t work and told me I would be refer for GA. I went home cried, slept and was in the worse pain for 5 days.

    Fastforward to 2 days ago. I had my hysteroscopy under GA, hospital was great and there were 8 woman 4 morning and 4 afternoon all having similar procedures so was nice to know I wasn’t alone. However I was the youngest and the rest were above 50, so I was alone in the sense of being there for different reasons. Went to sleep at 2.30ish and woke up at 4.30. My procedure seemed to run longer than expected. I woke up crying, I was in horrible pain and they had to give me 10ml of whatever painkiller they gave me. That knocked my pain from a 8 down to a 3. The nurse placed a pad in between my legs and then 2nurses rolled me and another checked my back and placed a pad under my bum to stop the blood from running over me. My uterus was filled with Saline during the procedure so that was also coming out. My consultant came to speak with me, I had no polyps or fibroids but my uterus was that thick and bulky it acted like one. This was abnormal and a biopsy was taken, my cervix is also unusually small and tight that she cut me on the way out. I bleed heavily while in hospital and told to keep and eye on this at home.

    Since being home, I’ve been in pain pretty much all day. I have only eaten minimal food, drank what I can. I have pain peeing, lifting my arms in the air and get massive stabbing pains in my side. I was told the risk of infection is less than 1 in 100 and told to keep and eye on certain things. Currently I haven’t passed a number 2 and can’t have any weight on my tummy. Clothes feel tight and now I’m playing a waiting game on my results. 



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