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Posts posted by lsfb1989

  1. I have had two Mirena's - the first one at a Sexual Health Clinic I was told to take 2 paracetamol before hand. It was horrific - the feeling of the sound being inserted to measure the uterus was bad enough, before the ripping feeling of the actual Mirena being inserted and the clamping of the cervix.

    The 2nd one was worse, this was at a GP surgery (GP used to practise as a Gynaecologist). I explained the extreme pain of the first fitting, and that I was very anxious. I was told I could have a local anaesthetic but this would delay the appointment by around 15 minutes. On the fitting day, I was asked if I really wanted the anaesthetic as I looked like a strong girl - I wasnt strong enough to demand it. When the new one was inserted, I screamed and shouted and cried, I remember them telling me to gold on and it was nearly over. I went into shock, I remember everything going black and the voices in the room seeming to go very distant. I was very cold yet sweating profusely, and felt very sick. They had to put a fan on me, and inject me with an anti-sickness jab before I could move. I wasnt well enough to leave when I did, but I was concious of holding the GP up any more (I had been in there 45 minutes plus).

    When it came to be removed (early as it was agony, I feel placed incorrectly due to my distress) - I cried and cried and had to have my partner to hold his hand. To this day (6 years later), I still cry if I think about it, and I cry during smear tests as the memories flood back. Never again, unless I am under GA or sedated.

    I feel that it probably shouldn't be offered to people who haven't had a vaginal birth, unless under proper pain relief - and even people who have had such a birth should have proper pain relief. My cervix didnt want to be ripped apart, the agony is undescribable.

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