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Posts posted by HelenB

  1. I have a high pain threshold and tolerance for medical procedures - I've had a termination and some other minor procedures under a local by choice. Several years ago I had severe peri-menopausal bleeding, and a scan showed a large polyp. Under local, I had the polyp removed using forceps. I would describe this as a very minor procedure, causing me next to no discomfort during or after, and with the reassurance of the biopsy. It solved my bleeding problems for around 18 months.

    Then the bleeding came back. This time, rather than do a diagnostic scan, the GP decided it must be another polyp and referred me directly for a myosure. I was confused about why it wasn't the same procedure and I was put off by the information sheet - it seemed to be more like a glossy marketing brochure. But my GP said it was 'what we do now' and that the alternative might be a hysterectomy. 

    During the procedure I was in so much pain, I thought I would pass out. I had to focus all my energy on not throwing up or shouting out.  I have never experienced anything like it before, including during labour. The procedure took far longer than the previous one and afterwards, I couldn't sit up for over an hour as I kept passing out. My heart rate and blood pressure were in such a state that every time the nurses left me, the alarm would go off. 

    I don't know exactly what the procedure involved, but while the first op felt as though the polyp was cleanly removed, the second felt as though the whole inside of my womb was ground to bits and sucked out. Sorry to be explicit.

    Until I found this site I thought I had just had a one-off bad experience. I can't honestly say that I've suffered psychologically, except that I know I won't put myself through this again - and now the bleeding is back I'm not sure what my choices are.  I'm happy for my experience to be used to inform research and patient advocacy.

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