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Spag Bol


Content Article Comments posted by Spag Bol

  1. Thank you for validating women's experience of painful hysteroscopy.  So many feel gaslit by doctors and nurses telling them it is not painful.  Women are being made to feel weak, or somehow inferior for feeling the pain.  They are put under a LOT of pressure to accept outpatient hysteroscopy with no anaesthesia.

    My personal experience, the last time I had a hysteroscopy, was of having to fight for any sort of anaesthesia. I told them I would be happy with gas & air, but this was not available, it would be GA or nothing.  No other options.  So I opted for GA.  At this point every obstacle was put in my way.  I was told they could not do it for months unless I had it without anaesthesia.  Then they tried objecting on medical grounds, but I was able to get other consultants to approve it - which they did.  

    I have many painful autoimmune illnesses and the last thing I need is more pain, but I was made to feel like a silly old woman making a fuss about nothing.  

    This is a growing issue in the NHS, the denial of anaesthesia and the idea that you should be grateful for any sort of service at all - even painful.  I had this when I went for endoscopy, and I chose sedation.  The consultant doing the procedure sneered and made remarks as to why I should need sedation. 

    What will happen in the wake of COVID when many more people are going to be left with chronic problems, I wonder?  People with long COVID are already being told it is in their minds.

    I foresee patients really having to grapple with the system to get any standard of care, and the continuing glorification of fundraisers is inflating the idea that the NHS is a charity - not something for which we have paid.


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