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Meredith M.


Content Article Comments posted by Meredith M.

  1. I am going through this now!
    i know your article is primarily for major surgery but i think it works for any surgical procedure!  I have pre-existing conditions/disabilities, some autoimmune. As a result, I am considered, “high risk” for Covid-19. While the cases and deaths continue to rise, uncontrollably...          I have been staying home as much as possible. 
    Before Covid, my Carpal Tunnel had started to come back (after 15+ years of no CT pain). My Neurologist did a Nerve Conduction test and the results were not good! He told me to contact the Orthopedic Surgeon, to set a date for surgery (to prevent further damage and hopefully to alleviate some symptoms). Eventually he agreed to give me 1 steroid injection and told me to schedule surgery when the shot wears off. 
    Long story short...The pain has come back, with a vengeance! But I don’t feel 100% safe to have surgery during this crazy Covid madness! I’d like to wait till the “second wave,” is more controlled! Unfortunately, he said he won’t prescribe anything for my pain and numbness, in the meantime. Not even a non-narcotic med that I requested, that has worked successfully for me in the past! He gave me 0 options and not much hope, as he is basically forcing me to have the surgery now. I wish I could share this article with him!

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