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    14 July 2023

    This Hospital at Night Summit focuses on out of hours care in hospitals delivering high quality safe care at night, and supporting the wellbeing of those working at night.
    Through national updates, networking opportunities and case studies this conference provides a practical guide to delivering a high quality hospital at night and transforming out of hours services and roles to improve patient safety. The 2023 conference will focus on the developing an effective Hospital at Night service, and focus on the practicalities of supporting staff at night, improving wellbeing and fighting fatigue.
    Benefits of attending this conference will enable you to:
    Network with colleagues who are working to improve Hospital at Night Practice. Learn from recent developments. Improve your skills in the recognition management and escalation of deteriorating patients at night. Understand and evaluate different models for Hospital at Night. Examine the role of task management solutions for Hospital at Night, including handover and eObservations. Ensure effective and safe staffing at night. Improving and supporting the wellbeing of hospital at night staff. Examine Hospital at Night team roles, competence and improve team working. Improve safety through the reduction of falls at night. Supporting staff and reducing fatigue at night. Develop the role of Clinical Practitioner and Advanced Nursing Practice at night. Identify key strategies to change practice and ways of working in Hospital at Night. Understand how hospitals can improve conditions for night workers and support Junior Doctors. Self assess and reflect on your own practice. Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes. Register
    hub members receive a 20% discount. Email info@pslhub.org for discount code.

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