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    24 April 2023      28 April 2023

    What can you share for April's #ExpOfCare week 2023?
    #expofcare week is a chance to learn share and celebrate everything about patient, carer and staff experience.
    'We Communities' are delighted once again to support the Heads of Patient Experience Network, tweeting as @HoPENetworkNHS, to learn more about how we can all learn from, and support, the improvement of patients' experience of care they receive from us as AHPs, Midwives, Nurses etc. 
    In February and March 'We Communities' want to hear about the projects you have delivered and work with you to find the best way to share them via the WeCommunities' 250,000 healthcare professional followers in April for #ExpOfCare week happening from the 24th to the 28th of April. 

    The week has a daily focus covering a whole life journey view of needing and receiving care from birth to end of life and even beyond to bereavement, as below:
         Monday 24th Maternity & Children’s Services      Tuesday 25th Young People & Transition to Adults      Wednesday 26th Person & Family Centred Care      Thursday 27th Older People & Frailty Services      Friday 28th Palliative End of Life & Bereavement Care There's a really quick and easy form to help collate and share your projects during #ExpOfCare week.

    Submissions close 10 March 2023.
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    28 April 2023

    Aimed at Clinicians and Managers, this national virtual conference will provide a practical guide to human factors in healthcare, and how a human factors approach can improve patient care, quality, process and safety. There will be an extended focus on the role of human factors in patient safety investigation in line with the new National Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF). 
    This conference will enable you to:
     Network with colleagues who are working to embed a human factors approach. Learn from outstanding practice in using human factors and ergonomics to improve patient safety and quality. Reflect on national developments and learning including the patient safety syllabus and the role of human factors within the new patient safety incident response framework. Understand the tools and methodology. Develop your skills in training and educating frontline staff in human factors. Understand how you can improve patient safety incident investigation by using a human factors approach. Learn from case studies demonstrating the practical application of human factors to improve patient care and safety. Understand the role of human factors in improving culture and delivering psychological safety. Self assess and reflect on your own practice. Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes. Register

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