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    17 April 2023

    This one day masterclass is part of a series of masterclasses focusing on how to use Human Factors in your workplace.
    Leadership in the NHS is the responsibility of all staff. Understanding human factors will allow healthcare to enhance performance, culture and organisation.
    These masterclasses have been re-designed in line with the new Patient Safety Syllabus. It will look at why things go wrong and how to implement change to prevent it from happening
    again or mitigate the risks.
    This masterclass will focus on errors and designing system-based solutions to improve patient safety.
    Key learning objectives:
    Understand what Human Factors are Learning from incidents Designing system-based solutions Preventing human error Blame and psychological safety Just culture Register

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    17 April 2023

    This training covers the must do’s and the grey areas around the statutory Duty of Candour, with a strong emphasis on going beyond mere compliance and delivering the duty of candour in a meaningful way for patients and families, and for the staff involved and the organisation.

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