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    25 June 2021

    This national conference looks at the practicalities of Serious Incident Investigation and Learning. The event will look at the development and implementation of the New Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (previously known as the Serious Incident Framework) which has now been published for the early adopter sites as introductory guidance. NHS Improvement will then work with a small number of early adopters to test implementation. For all other organisations the PSIRF is being published for information only and using learning from the pilot sites, resources and guidance will be developed to support organisations to adopt and implement PSIRF, with an expectation that providers and local systems will begin transitioning to the PSIRF from Spring 2022. The conference will also update delegates on best current practice in serious incident investigation and learning, including mortality governance and learning from deaths. There will be an extended focus on ensuring serious investigation findings lead to change and improvement.  

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