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Content Article Comments posted by Patient_Safety_Learning

  1. @Joy Ford thank you for taking the time to recount your experience. The impact of poor communication can be, as you have illustrated, immeasurable.

    You have highlighted the value in clinicians really taking the time to listen to family, patients and carers, in order to provide the best care. I am sorry you did not experience this and that his care and life was impacted as you have described.

    The report Miriam talks about in the blog, looks at how these barriers to good, safe care can affect people's relationships and trust with the healthcare system. I am sure it has for you. If you would like to share your experience with others to highlight areas for improvement, you can contact us at content@pslhub.org 

  2. Hi @Sue Deakin, thank you for sharing these experiences. They reinforce the need for electronic systems to be safe and for changes to services, like the ceasing of funding, to be communicated to key stakeholders. These communication failures can contribute to a loss of faith in the NHS, as Miriam says in her blog. 

    In your experience, what do you think would make a difference to patient safety when it comes to improving communications? 

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