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Everything posted by SHazell

  1. Community Post
    I went for an IUD placement in 2019 (Canada) and had a similar experience. I expected it to be uncomfortable and a little painful knowing (I thought) what the procedure involved. I was not prepared for the level of pain at all tho - it was definitely the most painful thing I have ever experienced. After it was in, I was so dizzy and close to passing out that I couldn't even stand up or leave the office for almost an hour, and the Dr acted like this was unusual and said it had never happened to her before with a patient. After reading many other women's experiences with this, I realize this is actually pretty standard. As I was not expecting this, I didnt take any pain medication before going, nor was any offered or suggested. And I did not take anyone with me to the appt, so I had to walk several blocks back to my car and then drive myself home over an hour away, all while still in pain and feeling very light headed and sick. I like my IUD and am happy to have one. But it is insane that so many women report such high levels of pain, yet there seems to be no discussion in the medical field about providing pain relief. If it is normal to get freezing at the dentist, then it should be normal to get freezing for this! Even just being prepared for what I was actually going to experience would have been some help. As some others have said, I also felt strange and almost traumatized when I got home, like something really bad had been done to me, because of how painful it was. That has passed since of course, but I dread having it removed or getting another one put in. I will not be letting that happen without some kind of pain medication and a friend along, that is for sure!
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