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  1. 9

    23 September 2020 09:00

    Virimask is a full face mask designed to offer the ultimate protection and maximum comfort against 99.99% of micron-sized particles. Commonly used masks, such as the N95 are limited in continuous use and are not particularly comfortable, or hygienic in longer-term wear. Virimask is designed to last each user a lifetime and uses replaceable HEPA14 filters which block out viral transmission. Unique advantages include the exceptional ventilation and speech clarity, integrated eye protection and varied size range.
    In this live webinar, the inventor of Virimask, Professor Noam Gavriely,  will give a background on Virimask and the challenges faced during the initial phase along with plans for future development. We will highlight the problems with the lack of PPE available during the COVID-19 outbreak and discuss how Virimask can assist our front line workers during the COVID-19 outbreak and any possible future pandemics. The webinar will include customer testimonials and insight to how the world has reacted to the PPE crisis. We will have live discussion and an opportunity for the audience to ask questions in our live Q&A.

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  2. 11

    23 September 2020 11:30      15:00

    The number one focus in the world right now is health care and the critical need to bring greater efficiency to treating patients. During the COVID-19 pandemic, vast amounts of information are rapidly cross-crossing the globe. Governments, health systems, and research communities in the European region are looking to learn as much as possible from each other, as quickly as possible, about the nature of COVID-19 and the most effective interventions for preventing and treating it.  
    We cannot afford to ignore the clear signs pointing to a new future of increased care needs, labour shortages, and operational strain. From COVID-19 to general routine care, we must act now to ensure that no patient waits for the care they need.   
    For health care professionals looking to structure their leadership plans around lessons learned in the field comes the 'Hospital Flow in the UK: During and Beyond COVID-19'. In this online course from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), health care leaders address challenges and share successes, best practices, and strategies to effectively advance the long-term goal of improving community health in a post-COVID world.  
    Experts will discuss noteworthy global challenges and responses to COVID-19, specifically focusing on efforts in the United Kingdom (UK) to monitor and quickly improve treatment for patients across the care continuum. 
    Further information and registration

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